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Itacaré Beaches

Corais - Perfect tubes

Do you like tubes? This break will be your favorite! When the conditions are right (= clean and solid swell from the West), Corais has perfect left and right tubes, in low tide.

Between Concha Beach (south of Boca da Barra) and Resende (the beach before Tiririca), there’s a break called “Corais” with its perfect tubes to the left and right. You should access it by paddling North from Resende Beach. It’s close to 10 minutes of paddling and the first break you’ll reach will be “Buraco do Barbudo” with predominantly lefts. Paddle a bit farther north to catch rights.

This break only works with deep waves (waves at high tide, with oceanic swell) and surfing here is always serious, due to the coral bottom and the lack of canals that allow easy paddling to the outside or to get back to shore. On top of that, there’s not a beach in front of the waves, but instead a giant rock wall. This break is for advanced surfers; always ask for guidance from local surfers.

Kind of break
Reef break – rights and lefts
Kind of wave
Dead coral
50m – 100m
1,2m - 2,5m
Swell direction
Only west; deep waves
Best wind
Best without wind
Best tide
Only low tide
Best season
Year round
Close to 30 days per year
Experience Level
No channel, paddle from Resende
Rocks, sets that shut everything down
Generally crowded when there are breaks