Itacarezinho - Beach breaks without end
Itacarezinho has close to 10km of open beach with a variety of beach breaks that produce waves ranging from soft to tubular, depending on the conditions. There are also some reefs to explore.
Itacarezinho is a long and open beach south of Engenhoca. The beach access is free for pedestrians (about 20 minutes of hiking a steep trail, parts of the path are dirt and other parts are brick), but cars pay a fee that includes structured parking along the beach.
There’s a cozy restaurant with tables and lounge chairs along the beach. It has a complete bar and kitchen serving dishes inspired by Bahian cuisine with special touches of portuguese, african, asian, and french influence. They have a minimum cover per person to use the tables and the lounge chairs, but you can buy water or coconuts from the bar. It’s an excellent choice for a day of rest after surfing.
The best breaks to surf at Itacarezinho are farther south of the restaurant, but when there’s no wind, you’ll find good waves along the length of the beach.